Undoubtedly one of the most influential anime TV series to be broadcasted on Japanese public TV, the Ultraman series was originally premiered and televised by TBS (Tokyo Broadcast System) from October 1967 to September 1968.
Ultraman played the role of guardian of the earth from Alien invaders in the series, leading a double life between a member of the Science Patrol agency and Ultraman. The show was a smash hit, leading to countless spinoffs and tributes.
This commemorative pair is cut in SDA's
Slim Tapered SD-107 silhouette, featuring a Pink Selvedge ID.
Taking cues from Ultra Seven's armor suit, the coin pocket features unique silver embroidery.
Eye-catching silver back pocket arcs are featured on this commemorative pair.
The Indigo Chambray pocket bags features the silhouette of Ultraman from the Ultra Seven series.